IQS 1315返回 Back

Test item 测试名称: IQS 1315 纸制品餐具
Kitchenware, paper plates and cups, Drinking paper tubes Paper cups 
Test info 测试内容: 
3.1 materials ( FDA 21 CFR 176.170 method )
3.2 finishes 
3.3 Exuding 
3.4 Performance 
3.5 Taste and Smell
4. label review
Sample size 送样: 30pcs
Lead time 周期: 常规测试周期 Regular Service 10 working days 工作日


Photo for reference 涉及图片:
Responsive image
Sample report 样本报告:
Responsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive image