GB/T 15811返回 Back
Test or certification item 测试或认证名称: GB15811 一次性使用无菌注射针

Refer products 涉及产品:  注射针

Test info测试内容:

Clause / Test Requirement

6.1 Cleanliness 清洁度

6.2 Colour coding 色标

6.3 Integrity 正直

6.4 Bond between hub and needle tube 连接牢固度

6.5 Latency of lumen 通畅性

6.6 Needles hub and sheath 针座与护套配合

6.7 Needle point 针尖

6.8 Needle tube 针管

6.9 Needle hube 针座

7.1 Preparation of detection solution 检测液制备

7.2 Limits for acidity or alkalinity 酸碱度

7.3 Total heavy metal content 重金属总含量

8 Biological properties 生物性能

Lead time 
周期:  常规服务 regular service 25 工作日 working days ( URGENT service, to be confirm, 加急服务待定 )
Sample size 送样规格:   150 pcs finished products 150个成品
Others 其他信息:  

Photo for reference 涉及图片:

Responsive image

Sample report 样本报告: