ASTM F 2907返回 Back

ASTM F 2907 Consumer Safety Specification for Sling Carriers 吊兜安全规范
Clause Test Requirement
Additional charge 5.4 Lead In Surface Coating 油漆中铅含量 (16 CFR 1303)
5.7 Flammability 布料的燃烧测试 (16 CFR 1610)
如果背带结构复杂客户不方便提供布料做16 CFR 1610则做16 CFR 1500.44 (c) (6) (vi),如外衬100%polyester,内填充海绵的背带直接做1500.44
A sling carrier is a product of fabric or sewn fabric construction, which is designed to contain a child from birth (full term infant weighing 8 lb (3.6 kg) or more) through 35 lb (15.9 kg), in an upright or reclined position, while being supported by the caregiver’s torso.
Sample required: 2 set of completed products with assembly instruction (if applicable) is recommended. 1 more set required for toxicity/flammability test.
样品要求: 全套样品2套并包括安装说明书(如适用). 如需做有毒元素/可燃性测试需要加送一套样品.
Turnaround time: Regular (8 working days).
所需时间: 标准(8个工作天).

Sample Report 报告样本:
Responsive image
Sample for reference 参考图片:

Responsive image