Test or certification Item 测试或认证名称:


ACMI的认证标签除APApproved Product)外,还包括 CP(Certified Product), HL Health Label (Non-Toxic)),CL等等 
ACMI certificate can divide as APApproved Product),CP(Certified Product), HL Health Label (Non-Toxic)),and CL ect..
AP标签证明ACMI认可产品符合ASTM D 4236:慢性毒素标签标准以及Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA):危险艺术材料标签的要求
AP certification proved that the product can pass ASTM D4236 test and Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA)

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Norm refer 涉及法规:
ASTM D4236
第一部分part one .ACMI申请AP印章的费用主要包括以下几个部分:the fee to apply for AP mark mainly include few parts as follows:  
1. ACMI会员申请费 register fee 
2. ACMI证书年费: 每年缴纳年费,根据产品的销售额按比例增加。 Annually fee for certificate:  There are fees to join ACMI and continuing dues to be paidannually of covered sales to the United States.
第二部分 part two: 测试和认证咨询 test & certificate
1. 测试 test (ACMI 认可实验室 ACMI proved lab) 需提供产品信息 product info ,成分信息(配方)product formulas
2.毒理专家评估 Toxicology expert evaluation 
3.合格后取得AP 资质 after all passes, can get a AP MARK


Refer products 涉及产品:

粘胶剂   绘画刷  画布  陶瓷  粉笔  炭笔  清洁剂  布料  彩砂  绘画和书写油墨  绘画仪器及配件 石膏画防腐剂  绘画饰物  水彩遮挡液  标签、贴纸和摹绘  记号笔  颜料溶剂  清漆  涂封物  固色剂 画架和工具  涂料  画纸  蜡笔  感光材料  塑料工艺品材料  油墨和印刷用品  修复用品  雕塑材料溶剂 等等

Others 其他信息:


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Sample for reference 参考图片:

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Sample Report 报告样本:

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